09 April, 2010

How can this experiment help?

By being able to come to a conclusion about whether or not a rubber band's elasticity/ strength/ durability is affected by temperature, rubber can be maufactured according to this finding in a way that is perhaps more sustainable to the environment and to consumers.

Understanding the relationship between various substances e.g. rubber and sulfur, may provide building blocks to producing one artificial type of rubber capable of being used for a range of purposes (there are a lot of types of rubber now, sorted according to use), thus cutting down cost and need for resources to manufacture the current types of rubber.

ALthough it seems as if rubber has already come so far and there is no need or chance that rubber's properties can be further refined, rubber still has the potential to further develop. Rubber can be found almost anywhere, at home, on a plane, in your shoes...

Who knows what rubber will be used for in the future?

- Middendorf, W.H. (1981), What every Engineer should know about Inventing, Marcel Dekker, New York.

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